The goal of society funding is to support club and society activities, events, conferences, etc. at the University of Prince Edward Island. The committee will allocate its resources to societies accordingly. This could include, but is not limited to, the following:
• Social and educational events for students.
• Travel and other expenses resulting from academic conferences
• Other events that provide societies with opportunities to enhance university experience
Applications can be made to this committee by completing the application form below. It will then be reviewed by the UPEISU Funding Committee. Once a decision is made by the committee, the applicant(s) will be informed of the decision and will be made aware of the support they will be receiving.
The goal of the clubs and societies campus initiative funding is to provide one club or society per semester, a guaranteed funding amount to help them with a campus-wide event or initiative. This funding is allocated to aid clubs and societies in larger campus-wide initiatives that can serve the greater majority of UPEI students.
Applications can be made to the funding committee by completing the application form below. It will then be reviewed by the UPEISU Funding Committee. Once a decision is made by the committee, the applicant(s) will be informed of the decision.
To receive funds from the UPEISU, your club or society must have a bank account. Below you will find the process to help get you started.
Find below a presentation that briefly covers everything you need to know about Clubs’ Funding!