
These committees are made up of councillors, staff members, and student-at-large volunteers to serve the student body in a variety of ways. For more information, please see the Standing Committee By-Law.


Academic & External Steering Committee

Chair – VP Academic & External
The purpose of this committee is to complete assessments, provide recommendations and undertake actions concerning the Student Union’s relationship with provincial and federal lobby groups and to assess advocacy and lobbying actions on the municipal, provincial, and federal political arenas.


Budget Committee

Chair – VP Finance and Administration
This committee deals with the following matters: creating the yearly budget, presenting it, and amending it, as well as consulting with stakeholders regarding the allocation of funds.


Funding Committee

Chair – VP Finance & Administration
This committee aims to support undergraduate and graduate students and sub-organizations at UPEI. The committee will allocate resources to student activities, events, and individual students.


Governance Committee

Chair – Chair of Council
This committee is responsible for reviewing the existing constitution and By-Laws and any items referred to the Governance Committee by the UPEISU Council.


New Initiatives and Future Direction (NIFD)

Chair – President
This committee serves to develop plans for the future steering of the UPEI Student Union and aids the President in any new or special projects to occur in the Student Union Community.



Clubs & Campaigns Committee

Co-Chairs – VP Student Life & Clubs and Events Coordinator
The purpose of this committee is to review clubs’ events and allow the ratified clubs on campus to have input and share ideas and concerns.


Executive Committee

Chair – President
This committee is responsible for pursuing and accomplishing goals set by the UPEISU Council during their time in office, and maintaining weekly meetings for updates, as well as making decisions and forming sub-plans to achieve the overall organizational goals of the UPEISU.


Marketing and Communications Committee

Chair – Marketing & Communications Manager
This committee is responsible for reviewing and making recommendations to UPEISU communication processes, channels and practices and working towards maintaining a positive relationship with the campus community.


Occupational Health & Safety Committee

Chair – General Manager
This committee shall perform all duties in accordance with Section 25 of the PEI Occupational Health and Safety Act.


UPEISU Advocacy Team

Chair – VP Academic & External
This committee will work towards promoting advocacy across the UPEI campus by creating awareness of student issues on and off campus, as well as engaging students for their input into the advocacy efforts of the UPEISU.



Black History Month Committee

Chair – Vice-President of Student Life
This committee serves to help the Vice President Student Life by providing feedback and recommendations in implementing events and campaigns for Black History Month.


Fox and Crow Committee

Chair – Vice-President of Finance and Administration
This committee serves to give feedback and ideas for the future steering of The Fox and Crow.
