How to Report Sexual Violence/Harassment, Discrimination, Unfair Treatment at UPEI
If you have been impacted by sexual violence by another member of the UPEI community, you have the right to report your experience to the University through the UPEI Sexual Violence & Prevention Office (SV-PRO).
It is first important to understand the difference between a disclosure and a complaint to the SV-PRO.
- A disclosure means sharing your experience of sexual violence with the SV-PRO coordinator for the purpose of receiving support and accommodations or to find out about the complaint process.
- A complaint is a written statement about your experience of sexual violence made to the SV-PRO that may lead to an investigation and an expectation that action will be taken against the person the complaint is about (known as the respondent).
Note: Know that you can disclose your experience(s) of sexual violence without filing a complaint, and still receive support from the University!
How to Report Sexual Violence on Campus
Option 1: File a Complaint
To file a complaint with the SV-PRO you can call, email or visit the office directly (304, Kelley Memorial Building) to arrange an in-person appointment with the coordinator.
- The complaint will include:
- Your name and contact information;
- The respondent(s) name (if known);
- A description of the incident(s) including dates, times, and locations where the incident(s) occurred.
- The coordinator will make an assessment of the information you provide.
- Is the respondent a member of the UPEI Community? (e.g. Student, Staff, Faculty, Contractor)
- Which Policy and complaint process does the complaint fall under?
- Depending on the answers to both of these questions, a complaint will be filed or a referral made.
When a complaint is filed under the Sexual Violence Policy:
- The Coordinator will forward the complaint to the respondent.
- The coordinator will provide you with options for resolution: informal, or formal.
- If formal is desired, the coordinator will appoint an external investigator.
- The investigator will then contact both the respondent and the complainant to inform them that an investigation is being undertaken.
- The investigation process will entail interviews and written statements for the purpose of gathering facts and evidence.
- If at any point the person who filed the complaint decides that they would like to move to an informal resolution or end the process entirely it is absolutely their prerogative.
Are also supported through the SV-PRO, Student Affairs, the University’s Employee’s Assistance Program, Human Resources, Staff Unions and the Faculty Association.
Interim Measures:
The SV-PRO may put interim measures in place to ensure the safety of the person reporting or others in the community. Measures may be put in place to reduce contact between the parties, prevent retaliation, or avoid a hostile environment.
Option 2: Reporting to the Police
- It is your choice to report to the police:
- Every survivor has the right to weigh both options and shouldn’t be pressured to or not to report.
- You can report an assault at any time, there is no time limit on reporting or laying charges for sexual assault.
- How to report to the Police:
- Call 911, contact the police agency responsible for the area where the assault took place, or go to the hospital to get examined and inform the hospital staff that you want the police to be contacted.
- You can bring a support person with you if you choose, but they may be asked to leave during the actual interview.
- If you are reporting a recent assault, take any evidence you may have to the police. To preserve evidence it is best if you do not change your clothes, wash, shower or bathe, eat or drink, or brush your teeth.
- You can still report to the police if you do not have physical evidence.
(Adapted from PEIRSAC’s After a Sexual Assault: Reporting to Police)
Option 3: Filing a Human Rights Complaint
If you have experienced discrimination, you may be able to file a complaint with the PEI Human Rights Commission. In order to file a complaint with the PEI Human Rights Commission, they need to know what happened, when it happened and where you were when it happened.