27 Sep UPEI SU Announces Call for Applications for Two Funds
The UPEI Student Union is calling for applications to two funds: the Inspiring Innovation Fund and the Mental Health Initiatives Fund.
The Inspiring Innovation Fund, officially being launched today, was developed to support students in shaping their university experience through the financial support of new and unique student-led initiatives. The fund will provide one-time funding of up to $250 dollars to approved students or student groups to pursue innovative projects on campus. The deadline for applications is October 25th. The application form can be accessed here.
The Mental Health Initiatives Fund was launched in March 2015 through a $20,000 commitment by the UPEI SU Council after the student body identified the lack of mental health support and awareness resources on campus. This fund allows UPEI students to develop and strengthen new and existing mental health initiatives at UPEI. Recognizing that all members of our campus community are affected by mental health issues, the goal of this fund is to encourage students to raise awareness and execute projects or events to address issues of mental health at UPEI. There is no set maximum dollar limit for applications. The deadline for applications exceeding $500 is October 25th. The application form can be accessed here.
For more information on either of these funds, please contact Nathan Hood, UPEISU President, at president@upeisu.ca.