13 Sep UPEISU Applauds Senate Approval of Fall Reading Week
UPEISU Applauds Senate Approval of Fall Reading Week
13 September 2019 – Charlottetown, PE
The Academic Calendar for the 2020-21 year was approved at the Friday September 13, 2019 UPEI Senate Meeting. This includes, for the first time, a Fall Reading Week at UPEI.
The Fall Reading Week will occur during the week of Thanksgiving in 2020, which is October 12th to 16th. UPEI was, up until this approval, one of the last universities in the Maritimes to not have a Fall Reading Week.
“We are pleased to see the implementation of a Fall Reading Week and to see UPEI modernising their Academic Calendar,” states Sweta Daboo, Vice President Academic and External. “This better reflects the ever-evolving needs of our student body.”
In January 2019, the UPEI Student Union reached out to students to gather their opinion on a potential Fall Reading Week. It was identified that 97.3% of students were in favour of this proposal. Additionally, 100% of students voiced that a Fall Reading Week would be positive for the UPEI campus community. The UPEI Student Union then presented this data to the Academic Planning & Curriculum Committee and developed an official proposal to Senate for a 2020 Fall Reading Week.
“Numerous students cited increased strain on their mental health and finances around the month of October,” further says Daboo. “The Fall Reading Week will provide an opportunity for our students to study, work, visit family, or simply take a break.”
The UPEI Student Union looks forward to the positive impacts that the Fall Reading Week will provide to the UPEI campus community.